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About Us

Who we are:

SSKM Stands for “Seagull Sanskrutik & Krida Mandal”. The SSKM (Initially referred as Seagull Utsav Samiti) is formed in year 2010. The purpose of formation of SSKM was to conduct cultural and religious festivals within Runwal Seagull Society. The team conduct the religious festivals and sports competitions on volunteer basis.

SSKM is legally registered organization and registered under “The Office of Charity Commissioner Maharashtra State” with registration number “Reg No: Mah / 1277 / 2019 / Pune”. SSKM complete all its required legal formalities on yearly basis.

What we Do?

The Purpose of SSKM is to organize the Cultural festival within Runwal Seagull Society Premise. We conduct the events Only for Runwal Seagull Residents, within the society campus. We help to increase and maintain healthy and friendly social relationship within the society residents. Through SGT and other cultural events, we give platform for Runwal Seagull residents to present their Special Talents. The SSKM gives platform for ladies to participate in Antakshari, Cooking, Rangoli and many related competitions.

To respect our senior citizens, SSKM arrange Bhajan Sandhya for Runwal Residents hosted by Society Senior Citizens. Through SSKM we organize many cultural festivals throughout the year, which nurture the core Indian Traditional Values. SSKM Conduct & Organize many festivals such as Ganpati Festival, Kojagiri Pornima, Eid Celebration, Navratri & Dandiya, Christmas, Holika Dahan & Holi Festival.

SSKM organize various sports events, under the umbrella event named as “Champions Trophy”. The sports event encourages kids to compete in healthy and friendly environment. For healthy competition, we have divided the entire society in 4 different houses. Each house has its unique colour as Red, Green, Orange and Sky. Each house has 3 captains, 1 for Adult and 1 Boys Junior and 1 Girl Junior. This help kids to improve their leadership skills and lead their houses to win the Yearly Rotating Champions Trophy.

For champions Trophy, every resident participates in multiple sports and win points for their houses. The competitions held for individual sports like Chess, Carom, Table Tennis, Badminton, Cycling, Skating, Wave Board, Short Put, Long Jump, Athletics and many more. The team games like Football, Basketball, Box Cricket add the healthy team competitions to the event.

Along with Cultural festival & Sports Event, we also organize social & welfare events such as Clean Society Campaign, Go Green Initiative (Tree Plantation Event), Blood Donation Camp etc.